Start the kata in fudo dachi.
- Move into musubi dachi and mokuso on the command "Mokuso".
- On the second command "Tensho", open eyes, move into the yoi position with ibuki.
- On the command "Hajime" move into right sanchin dachi simultaneously slowly blocking morote chudan uchi uke (n.b. no ibuki nogare breathing).
- In the same position slowly bring the left fist back to the ready punch position (to a mental count of four).
- Inhale and execute, at a moderate speed, a right jodan tensho circular hooking movement. Immediately reverse the hand movement using shuto completing the technique at the ready punch position, hand open (block or strike) (n.b. on both the circular movements you inhale sharply with short breaths).
- Execute a right jodan shotei uchi with ibuki. Position the right hand as shown and execute at a moderate speed a circular movement similar to shuto hizo uchi continuing the circular movement back to the ready punch position with the right hand open.
- Inhale and execute a right shuto gedan uke with ibuki.
- From this position slowly execute a right jodan koken uke and immediately follow with a right shuto uchi komi with ibuki, striking forward and down.
- Immediately follow with a slow right koken hizo uchi whilst inhaling and execute a right chudan shotei uchi with ibuki.
- Move forward into left sanchin dachi simultaneously blocking morote chudan uchi uke and ibuki.
- In the same position slowly bring the right fist back to ready punch position (to a mental count of four).
- Inhale and execute, at a moderate speed, a left jodan tensho circular hooking movement. Immediately reverse the hand movement using shuto completing the technique at the ready punch position, hand open (block or strike) (n.b. on both the circular movements you inhale sharply with short breaths).
- Execute a left jodan shotei uchi with ibuki.
- Position the left hand as shown and execute a circular movement similar to shuto hizo uchi continuing the circular movement back to the ready punch position with the left hand open.
Inhale and execute a slow left shuto gedan uke with ibuki.
From this position execute a slow left jodan koken uke and immediately follow with a left shuto uchi komi with ibuki striking forward and down. - Immediately follow with a slow left koken hizo uchi whilst inhaling and execute a left chudan shotei uchi with ibuki.
- Move forward into right sanchin dachi simultaneously blocking morote chudan uchi uke with ibuki.
- In the same position inhale and execute at a moderate speed a morote jodan tensho circular hooking movement.
- Immediately reverse the hand movement using morote shuto completing the technique at ready punch position (block or strike) (n.b. on both the circular movements you inhale sharply with short breaths).
- Execute morote jodan shotei uchi with ibuki.
- Position both hands as shown and execute a circular movement similar to morote shuto hizo uchi continuing the circular movement back to the ready punch position with the hands open.
- Inhale and execute morote shuto gedan uke with ibuki.
- From this position execute a slow morote jodan koken uke and immediately follow with morote shuto uchi komi and ibuki. striking forward and down.
- Immediately follow with a slow morote koken hizo uchi whilst inhaling and execute morote chudan shotei uchi with ibuki.
- From this position quickly execute, in a forward direction, a double hooking movement (positioned at height of neck) and slowly return both hands open, to the ready punch position whilst inhaling.
- Execute morote chudan yonhon nukite to the solar plexus with ibuki.
- Repeat the double hooking movement and slowly return both hands, open, to the ready punch position whilst inhaling.
- Execute morote chudan yonhon nukite with ibuki.
- Repeat the double hooking movement and slowly return both hands, open, to the ready punch position whilst inhaling.
- Execute morote chudan yonhon nukite with ibuki.
- Quickly move back with the right leg into left sanchin dachi and execute a fast shuto mawashi uke inhale and execute morote shotei uchi (right hand jodan left hand gedan) with ibuki.
- Quickly move back with the left leg into right sanchin dachi and execute a fast shuto mawashi uke inhale and execute morote shotei uchi (left hand jodan right hand gedan) with ibuki.
The kata is completed by moving the right foot back into musubi dachi and the mokuso position is retained until the command "Naore" when the fudo dachi position is taken.