Start the kata in fudo dachi.
- Move into musubi dachi and mokuso on the command "Mokuso".
- On the second command "Garyu", open eyes, move into the yoi position with ibuki.
- On the command "Hajime", still in the yoi position, block left jodan morote kake uke keeping the hands in this position kick right jodan mawashi chusoku geri return the leg to the original yoi position and block right jodan morote kake uke retaining the hand position kick left jodan mawashi chusoku geri return the leg to the original yoi position.
- Move the right leg back into left zenkutsu dachi simultaneously blocking jodan tensho uke with both hands (i.e. hooking an attack with the hands palms down).
- Jump forward and kick left tobi mae geri and land in left zenkutsu dachi, as you land strike morote jodan tsuki and KIAI.
- Move forward into right neko ashi dachi and block right jodan morote kake uke.
- Move forward into left neko ashi dachi and block left jodan morote kake uke.
- Move forward into right neko ashi dachi and block right jodan morote kake uke.
- Still in the same stance and with both hands open (right on top of left), block morote gedan shotei uke to the left side of the body immediately block upwards with morote jodan koken uke, (right on top of left).
- Move back with the right leg into left neko ashi dachi and block morote gedan shotei uke (left on top of right) to the right side of the body immediately block upwards with morote jodan koken uke (left on top of right).
- Move back with the left leg into right neko ashi dachi and block morote gedan shotei uke (right on top of left) to the left side of the body immediately block upwards with morote jodan koken uke (right on top of left).
- Move back with the right leg into left neko ashi dachi and block morote gedan shotei uke (left on top of right) to the right side of the body immediately block upwards with morote jodan koken uke (left on top of right).
- From this position kick right jodan haisoku mawashi geri (knockdown mawashi geri) continue the kick across the centre line of body and follow immediately with left mawashi ushiro geri and KIAI (Note after the first kick the right foot comes down into a natural position for ushiro mawashi geri; The kiai is executed on the ushiro mawashi geri).
- Bring the left foot down into left neko ashi dachi and block left jodan morote kake uke.
- Bring the left leg across and turn 180° into right neko ashi dachi and block right jodan morote kake uke.
- Move forward into left neko ashi dachi and block left jodan morote kake uke.
- Move with the right foot and pivot on the left foot and turn 270° clockwise to the left into right neko ashi dachi and block right jodan morote kake uke.
- Move the left leg (i.e. back foot) across and turn 180° anti-clockwise into left neko ashi dachi and block left jodan morote kake uke.
- Turn backwards and clockwise 270° and jump back into kake dachi and block right jodan kake uke.
- Jump high into the air and turn anti-clockwise 270° and land in a crossed leg crouching position similar to kake dachi and block seiken juji gedan uke.
- Move the right leg 90° to the right into a soshin dachi and block right shuto jodan uchi uke and punch left chudan gyaku tsuki.
- Move the left (i.e. back) leg across and turn 180° into a soshin dachi and block left shuto jodan uchi uke and punch right chudan gyaku tsuki.
- Open both hands and slowly extend both arms forward and to the side bring both arms across slowly to the centre of the body line and cross them so that the left is on top of the right (n.b. palms vertical to the floor).
- Stand up whilst moving forward into right neko ashi dachi and block right morote chudan haito uke.
- Move forward into left neko ashi dachi and block left morote chudan haito uke.
- Move forward into right neko ashi dachi and block right morote chudan haito uke.
- Move the left foot (i.e. back) across and turn 180° anti-clockwise into left neko ashi dachi and block left morote chudan haito uke.
- Still in the same stance pull the right hand, open, back to ready punch position and strike right chudan yonhon nukite simultaneously bringing the left hand, open, back to ready punch position and KIAI.
The kata is completed by moving the left leg back into musubi dachi and the mokuso position is retained until the command "Naore" when the fudo dachi position is taken.